Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Social Learning Theory of Bandura

Social learning theory of Bandura describes a collection of ideas on how to learn and change behavior. Application of this theory is almost the entire behavior, with special attention on how the new behavior acquired through learning observed (observational learning). Bandura's theory using cognitive perspective in describing learning and behavior. Through our cognitive, Bandura assume about the human mind and interpret their experiences. Children must first understand the true relationship between behavior and event strengthening. According to social learning theory, the act of viewing only the cognitive description of the action, in detail basic cognition in the learning process can be summarized in four stages:
1.      Attention phase
If the new response is learned from the see / hear the other, then it is clear that the level of attention that others will be paramount.
2.       Retention phase
Each image is stored in the memory behavior or not, and the basis for storage is a method used for encoding or enter a response. Encoding in verbal symbols facilitated by active thinking person or a verbal summary of the actions they observe.
The observed response time encoded, memory or visual impression of verbal symbols to berlanjutdengan train back mentally. That way, the encryption will try to think harder about the actions and rethink verbal encoding.
3.       Reproduction
Behaviour is actually recorded by the people and perhaps also by observers who provide a reciprocal right of imitative behavior. Basic adjustment of mutual symbolic setting up a series of new measures, and set of behaviors begins again.
4.      Motivational phase
Subject of attention, retention, and reproduction movement largely associated with people's ability to mimic the behavior of reinforcement becomes relevant. When we try to stimulate people to demonstrate knowledge of correct behavior. Although social learning theory do not contain reinforcement to increase knowledge in order to "taste in behavior", it gives the main role of reinforcement (reward & punishment) such as a motivator.

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